Donate $5 to support the launch of SGTJ with lifetime honor and unmatched gratitude.
Donate $5 to support the launch of SGTJ with lifetime honor and unmatched gratitude.

Innovation and Invention

Get started with FastAPI

When Python web frameworks like Flask and Django first rose in popularity and...

Build mixed reality for Microsoft Edge with WebXR

Call it mixed reality, call it Mesh, call it a metaverse. Augmented and virtu...

How to use string interpolation in C# 9

String interpolation is a technique that enables you to insert expression val...

How to use Auth0 with Node.js and Express

Cloud-based authentication and authorization platforms—sometimes known as IDa...

Microsoft details .NET 6 performance boosts

.NET 6, the planned upgrade to Microsoft’s software development platform, boa...

‘Why cloud computing?’ is always a good question

These days the people who ask “Why cloud?” often get treated as if they’re th...

What to expect in Java 18

Java 18 is likely seven months away but is already starting to take shape, wi...

A4AI’s new affordability target: the Journey from 1 to 5

This blog was written by A4AI’s Research Manager for Access and Affordability Te...

Project update: Ending abuse against women online

Women and girls are experiencing a surge of violence and abuse online and the di...

An opportunity to create a greener internet

This post was originally published on The city of Nacala, home to ove...

JetBrains’ Go language IDE prepares for generics

GoLand, JetBrains’ cross-platform IDE for Go programmers, is set to add accom...

Tips for agile and devops teams in a hybrid work model

Many leaders are hoping that the worst of COVID-19 is behind us, and leaders ...

4 reasons to get Kubernetes-certified, and 4 reasons no...

Container orchestration with Kubernetes is one of the most in-demand skills i...

What is a data warehouse? The source of business intell...

Databases are typically classified as relational (SQL) or NoSQL, and transact...

Architects are focused on the wrong end of multicloud

Good multicloud architects are hard to find. Most of those calling themselves...

Microsoft, Google partner on eBPF

Companies including Microsoft, Google, and Facebook are backing an initiative...

White-label Blog/Newsroom for your brand or clients.
White-label Blog/Newsroom for your brand or clients.
Sponsor the launch of SGTJ and make history with lifetime honor and unmatched gratitude.
Sponsor the launch of SGTJ and make history with lifetime honor and unmatched gratitude.