Techatty is cleaned up! We apologize for the inconvenience

We would like to inform you that the cleaning up on Techatty has just been completed. We also want to take this moment to apologize for the inconvenience that the unwanted content may have caused you on our platform. More on

Jan 11, 2024 - 21:17
Feb 6, 2024 - 19:02
Techatty is cleaned up! We apologize for the inconvenience
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Elevate your brand in 2025!

We would like to inform you that the cleaning up on Techatty has just been completed. We also want to take this moment to apologize for the inconvenience that the unwanted content may have caused you on our platform.


The platform that is now known as was first launched as in 2020. was launched as a free technology blog network for tech companies, organizations, schools, professionals and digital agencies and allows all technology-related content and publications. 

Unfortunately, many users have abused the good intension of the platform in the past, that resulted into 1000s of inappropriate content and affiliate products on our platform. Though many of the accounts were later deleted but the bad content were not, separating the unwanted content from the good ones wasn’t an easy task, especially with the quantity of the content and the fact that the associated accounts were already deleted.


Techatty is now cleaned up, we've deleted more than 90% of the inappropriate content from our platform and taken necessary measures to prevent this happening again in the future. We've also updated Techatty with new features and our AI Assistant tools will soon be launched.

Our mission is to build informative, inclusive, and inspiring tech media network that is 100% free of deceptive and misleading publications and advertisements. As we keep shaping the next chapter in the development of Techatty, the platform will keep supporting all technology-related content and publications from companies of all sizes, organizations, professionals, digital agencies, schools and students from around the world. 


Techatty is free for readers and will remain free forever. We will also continue doing our best to keep Techatty free of distractive and misleading advertisements.

Introducing 'Read and Earn' join our Micro Tasker Community that is designed to help you read and/or perform other tasks and make money in the process. You are invited to join the community if you love reading, giving feedback, testing products and services, or performing other Micro Tasks for money. 


Creating and managing a professional Blog or Newsroom on Techatty is now payable, yet affordable for everyone. Techatty publication account starts from only $3/month for unlimited publications with great features and unparalleled resources, with yearly and monthly payment terms. There and also different ways to earn money with Techaty.

Supported content

Techatty covers more than 40 categories, go to topics and categories to see them all. 

As a tech media and publication network for all technology-related content and publications, Techatty supports publications with contextual, videos, audios, imagery and downloadable files.

Unlike platforms with restrictions, it is allowed to publish well-written, truthful, and non-misleading content related to your company, agency, profession and/or study on, with no minimum word count. External links, guest posting and affiliate marketing are allowed in your publications but needs to be used responsibly.

Supported content and publications on Techatty include but not limited to: 

Thank you for your time and understanding.

Please comment below and click here to contact us if you have questions or suggestions. 



Techatty Connecting the world of tech differently! Read. Write. Learn. Thrive. Make an informed decision without distractions. We are building tech media and publication networks to connect YOU and everyone to reliable information, opportunities, and resources to achieve greater success.
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