NASA Socials

NASA Social is a program to provide opportunities for NASA’s social media followers to learn and share information about NASA’s missions, people, and programs. NASA Social is the next evolution in the agency’s social media efforts.

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NASA Social is a program to provide opportunities for NASA’s social media followers to learn and share information about NASA’s missions, people, and programs. NASA Social is the next evolution in the agency’s social media efforts. Formerly called NASA Tweetup, our NASA Social program includes both special in-person events and social media credentials for individuals who share the news in a significant way. This program has brought thousands of people together for unique social media experiences of exploration and discovery.

NASA Social Announcements

To subscribe:
Send an email to (no text is required in the subject or body of the email).

To unsubscribe:
Send an email to (no text is required in the subject or body of the email).

Upcoming NASA Socials

Previous NASA Socials

If your passion is to communicate and engage the world via social media, seize the opportunity to be on the front line to blog, tweet, or Instagram everything about a NASA event by participating in a NASA Social.

NASA Social Q&As

What is a NASA Social event?
A NASA Social event is an informal meeting of people who engage with NASA social media accounts. Social events provide NASA followers with the opportunity to go behind the scenes at NASA facilities and events and speak with scientists, engineers, astronauts, and managers. NASA Socials range from two hours to two days in length and include a “meet and greet” session to allow participants to mingle with fellow socialites and the people behind NASA’s social media accounts. Social media credentials give users a chance to apply for the same access as journalists to align the access and experience of social media representatives with those of traditional media. People who actively collect, report, analyze, and disseminate news on social networking platforms are encouraged to apply for media credentials. Selection is not random. Those chosen must prove through the registration process they meet specific engagement criteria. Qualified attendees will have the same access to the event as news media and may view launches, and participate in media briefings, tours, and other available opportunities. All social media accreditation applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

How do I register?
Registration and application opportunities for the NASA Social program will be announced on this page, @NASA, and @NASASocial.

Do I need to have a social media account to register for a NASA Social?
Yes. NASA Socials are designed for social media users who follow @NASA on a variety of social media platforms. You can find all the ways to connect with NASA on the Social Media page. The goal of NASA Socials is to allow people who regularly interact with each other via these platforms to meet in person and discuss one of their favorite subjects: NASA. If you are not familiar with any program or a regular user of social media and want to visit a NASA center, check out the following websites for more information:

What are NASA Social registration and application requirements?
Registration or application for a NASA Social indicates your intent to travel to the site of the event and attend in person. You are responsible for your own expenses for travel, accommodation, food, and other amenities. NASA centers are government facilities. If approved, you will need to provide two forms of government-issued identification; one must be a photo ID. When registering, please ensure that you use your full name as it appears on your identification. For a complete list of acceptable forms of ID, please visit: NASA Credentialing Identification Requirements.

Can I register if I am not a U.S. citizen?
Non-U.S. citizens may register to attend various NASA Socials. Some activities associated with these Socials take place in restricted-access areas which do not allow access for non-U.S. citizens. Please carefully review the information posted about each social event for which you wish to register. Non-U.S. citizens will be required to provide additional documentation to gain access to NASA facilities.

Can I register if I have previously attended a NASA Social?
Participants often tell us what an incredible experience it is to attend a NASA event, and we agree. We’re thrilled participants love the experience and want to return for more. We want as many people as possible to have that opportunity. Therefore, if you’ve been to a NASA Tweetup, or NASA Social, or had social media credentials before, we strongly encourage you to resist the urge to register again and instead allow someone else to have the chance at the opportunity. Share the experience with your friends and encourage them to register or apply.

Can I improve my chances by registering multiple times or with multiple social media accounts or email addresses?
Only one entry per person counts. Please do not register or apply multiple times or try to game the system by registering with different Twitter handles, email addresses, or other multiple accounts. Each person gets one entry, and we do remove duplicate entries. Have a question not answered here? Need more information? Help is available by sending an email to

NASA The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is America’s civil space program and the global leader in space exploration. The agency has a diverse workforce of just under 18,000 civil servants, and works with many more U.S. contractors, academia, and international and commercial partners to explore, discover, and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity.