Techshot designed their BFF experiment to print organ-like tissues in microgravity

BioFabrication Facility (BFF): Tissue Cassettes were installed into BFF. Using 3D biological printers to produce usable human organs has long been a dream of scientists and doctors around the globe. However, printing the tiny, complex structures found inside human organs, such as capillary structures, has proven difficult to accomplish in Earth’s gravity environment. To overcome this challenge, Techshot designed their BFF experiment to print organ-like tissues in microgravity, acting as a stepping stone in a long-term plan to manufacture whole human organs in space using refined biological 3D printing techniques.

Mar 28, 2023 - 10:33
Mar 11, 2024 - 13:49
Techshot designed their BFF experiment to print organ-like tissues in microgravity
Techshot designed their BFF experiment to print organ-like tissues in microgravity, acting as a stepping stone in a long-term plan to manufacture whole human organs in space using refined biological 3D printing techniques.
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BioFabrication Facility (BFF): Tissue Cassettes were installed into BFF. Using 3D biological printers to produce usable human organs has long been a dream of scientists and doctors around the globe. However, printing the tiny, complex structures found inside human organs, such as capillary structures, has proven difficult to accomplish in Earth’s gravity environment. To overcome this challenge, Techshot designed their BFF experiment to print organ-like tissues in microgravity, acting as a stepping stone in a long-term plan to manufacture whole human organs in space using refined biological 3D printing techniques.

Dreams: The electroencephalogram (EEG) headband was doffed, data was synchronized with the smart tablet, and the questionnaire was completed. The Sleep Monitoring in Space with Dry-EEG Headband (Dreams) is a technology demonstration investigation that utilizes the Dry-EEG Headband: an effective, affordable, and comfortable solution to monitor astronaut sleep quality during long-duration spaceflight aboard the ISS. Sleep plays a major role in human health and well-being. Insufficient sleep, or sleep disorders can increase the risk of developing medical conditions, such as cardiovascular diseases, and can impair task performance.

Materials ISS Experiment-17 (MISSE-17): The MISSE Transfer Tray (MTT) was unstowed and inspected. MISSE Sample Carriers (MSCs) for the MISSE-17 mission were installed onto the MTT along with one MISSE Switch Box (MSB), and one MISSE Power Distribution Box (MPDB). MISSE-17-Commercial is part of a suite of investigations that tests how the harsh environment of space affects various materials and components. This mission tests a fabric with imbedded sensors, 3D printed polymers, spacecraft materials, radiation protection biomaterials, BioPellets made from dried microbes, paraffin wax thermal protection, and thin solar cells. Identifying materials able to withstand long-term exposure to the temperature extremes, radiation, and other conditions outside the International Space Station could help improve equipment for future space exploration.

Space Health: The Bio-Monitor garment was changed out as part of the 48hr data collection session. A questionnaire was completed using the Data Collection tool on an SSC laptop. The Autonomous Health Monitoring for Adaption Assessment on Long Range Missions Using Big Data Analytic (Space Health) investigation utilizes the Bio-Monitor system for physiological monitoring before, during, and after a mission to the International Space Station to assess the effect of space travel on heart health. The Artemis analytical platform is used to provide automated analysis of the cardiovascular system in order to develop a near real-time assessment tool. The potential use of the Bio-Monitor system and the Artemis platform for future space missions is being evaluated.

Vascular Aging: A 13-hour blood pressure measurement session was performed using the Mobil-O-graph unit connected to a Columbus Payload laptop. Data indicates that aging-like changes are accelerated in many ISS crew members, particularly with respect to their arteries. As part of the Space Environment Causes Acceleration of Vascular Aging: Roles of Hypogravity, Nutrition, and Radiation (Vascular Aging) investigation, ultrasounds of the arteries, blood samples, oral glucose tolerance, and wearable sensors from ISS crewmembers are analyzed.

Veg-05: Final harvesting of plants was performed. Samples were placed in cold stowage. The Pick-and-Eat Salad-Crop Productivity, Nutritional Value, and Acceptability to Supplement the ISS Food System (Veg-05) investigation is the next step in efforts to address the need for a continuous fresh-food production system in space.

Zero Robotics-Astrobee: Astrobee Free Flyers were placed in position in the JEM and the crew assisted the ground team in conducting multiple gesture-recognition software test runs. For Astrobee-Zero Robotics (Zero Robotics), students write software to control one of the space station’s Astrobee free-flying robots. The first several rounds of the competition, co-led by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Innovation Learning Center, and many collaborators, use an online simulation. Finalists have their code downloaded by NASA to the Astrobee platform and observe its performance. The experience helps inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and explorers.


Transfer SpX-27 Cargo Operations: The crew transferred payloads from the SpX-27 cargo vehicle to the ISS. The crew will continue removing the more than 6,200 pounds of cargo launched on SpX-27 and then will begin to load SpX-27 for return.

Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC) Water Container (ЕДВ-У) Remove and Replace: Today the crew removed and replaced the existing ЕДВ-У in the WHC. The ЕДВ-У is used for short-term storage and manual water transportation between ISS modules. 

Recycle Tank Drain/Fill: The recycle tank was set up to drain via the Urine Processing Assembly (UPA) fill drain valve into a brine EDV using the Urine Transfer System (UTS). Following the setup, the ground performed the tank drain using the UTS. Once the ground specialists completed the transfer, the crew verified the recycle tank was empty, terminated the drain, repositioned the fill/drain valve to force fill the recycle tank using UTS, and configured for nominal processing operations.

Completed Task List Activities:

  • None

Today’s Ground Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • MISSE MSC Installation for JEM RMS Small Fine Arm Deployment
  • Recycle Tank Drain Support
  • Lab Trace Contaminant Control System (TCCS) Activation

Look Ahead Plan

Saturday, March 25 (GMT 084)

Talk to Techatty
Talk to Techatty
  • Bio-Monitor Hardware Removal and Stow (CSA)
  • Astrobee Stowage Replace (NASA)
  • Engineering Heart Tissue-2 Media Change (NASA)
  • HRF Supply Inventory (NASA)
  • LSG Glove Swap
  • Monoclonal Microscopy Ops (NASA)
  • Space Health Question (CSA)
  • Standard Measures Cognition Test (NASA)


  • Weekly Cleaning

Sunday, March 26 (GMT 085)

  • Ampli Space Pharmacy Sample Kit OPS B (NASA)
  • HRF Veggie Question (NASA)
  • LSG Camera Setup (NASA)
  • Monoclonal Microscopy Ops 3 (NASA)
  • Veg-05 Hardware Deact (NASA)


  • Cargo Transfer Operations

Monday, March 27 (GMT 086)

  • Ampli Space Pharmacy Sample Kit OPS A, C (NASA)
  • BioFabrication Procedure review (NASA)
  • Cardiobreath Ops (CSA)
  • ECHO Spare Setup (ESA)
  • FSL Soft Matter Dynamics Sample Exchange (ESA)
  • Standard Measures Sample setup (NASA)
  • Vascular Aging 13-Hr Blood Pressure (CSA)


  • EVA SEMU Launch Enclosure (SLE) Rotate and Reconfigure
  • HRF Inventory in Stow Track

Today’s Planned Activities:
All activities are complete unless otherwise noted.

  • Astrobee Stowage Activity
  • Astrobee-Zero Robotics Tech Demo Operations
  • BioFabrication Facility MELFI Sample Retrieve
  • BioFabrication Facility MERLIN Sample Removal
  • BioFabrication Facility Test Cassette Removal
  • BioFabrication Facility Tissue Print With Cells Install
  • Bio-Monitor Breathing Volume Calibration
  • Bio-Monitor ECG Electrode Lubricant Reapply
  • Bio-Monitor Wearables Change Out and Stow
  • Configure SSC13 as Wired for LSG Camera Ops
  • Dragon Node 2 Forward Systems Operations Data File (SODF) Deploy
  • Dreams Dry-EEG Headband doffing and data transfer
  • Galley Refrigerator/Freezer Card Exchange
  • Generic MELFI Sample Insertion Operations
  • Mood States Questionnaire
  • JEM Airlock Slide Table (ST) Extension and Retraction to JPM Side
  • JEM Airlock Slide Table Passive Capture Mechanism Removal
  • JEM AL Slide Table MLI Check
  • JEM ORU Transfer I/F Install for MISSE Transfer Tray
  • Materials ISS Experiment (MISSE) MSC Hardware Gather
  • MISSE MTT Install
  • MISSE-FF MSC Installation for JEM RMS Small Fine Arm Deployment
  • ECLSS Recycle Tank Drain and Fill
  • ECLSS Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) Brine Filter Change out
  • Rhodium DARPA Biomanufacturing-01 Variable Gravity Simulator Status Check
  • Space Health Experiment Questionnaire
  • Standard Measures Body Sampling Collection
  • Standard Measures Cognition Testing
  • Swap SSC 20 and 12 Swap
  • UPA Brine Filter Gather
  • Urine Transfer System Offload EDV Swap
  • Vascular Aging 13-Hour Blood Pressure Monitoring
  • VEG-05 Harvest
  • VEG05 MELFI Insertion
  • WHC Water Container (ЕДВ) Remove and Replace
  • Water Recovery System (WRS) Sample Analysis and Data Record

NASA The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is America’s civil space program and the global leader in space exploration. The agency has a diverse workforce of just under 18,000 civil servants, and works with many more U.S. contractors, academia, and international and commercial partners to explore, discover, and expand knowledge for the benefit of humanity.