Vue 3.2 promises speed boost

Vue 3.2, a new release of the popular JavaScript framework, offers better performance as well as improvements to single file components and web components. Vue 3.2 was announced on August 5.With the upgrade, Vue’s reactivity system, which is intended to simplify state management, gains a more efficient ref implementation, faster dependency tracking, and lower memory usage. Performance of the template compiler also has been improved, with faster creation of Vnodes (virtual nodes). A new v-memo directive provides the ability to “memoize” part of the template tree. A v-memo hit lets Vue skip virtual DOM diffing and the creation of new Vnodes altogether. This capability can improve performance in certain scenarios, such as large v-for lists.To read this article in full, please click here

Nov 30, -0001 - 00:00
Vue 3.2 promises speed boost
Techatty All-in-1 Publishing
Techatty All-in-1 Publishing

Vue 3.2, a new release of the popular JavaScript framework, offers better performance as well as improvements to single file components and web components. Vue 3.2 was announced on August 5.

With the upgrade, Vue’s reactivity system, which is intended to simplify state management, gains a more efficient ref implementation, faster dependency tracking, and lower memory usage. Performance of the template compiler also has been improved, with faster creation of Vnodes (virtual nodes). A new v-memo directive provides the ability to “memoize” part of the template tree. A v-memo hit lets Vue skip virtual DOM diffing and the creation of new Vnodes altogether. This capability can improve performance in certain scenarios, such as large v-for lists.

To read this article in full, please click here

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