Jump into WebAssembly with Hippo

WebAssembly is an extremely promising new technology that’s getting a lot of interest from Microsoft’s cloud-native computing teams, both in its Deis Labs subsidiary and in Azure. With new WebAssembly tools arriving rapidly, what’s needed is an environment where you can try them out.That’s why Deis Labs’ release of its new Hippo WebAssembly platform is so important. Built like many of Deis’ tools to scratch its own itch, it’s a way of quickly installing, managing, and running WebAssembly (WASM) code, whether it’s browser hosted or stand-alone WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). Using its built-in channels in conjunction with a Git server, you can make and deploy different releases in one environment, keeping production, staging, and development builds separate while still only needing one Hippo server.To read this article in full, please click here

Nov 30, -0001 - 00:00
Jump into WebAssembly with Hippo
Jesus Helpline: You don't have to do it alone; seek help!

WebAssembly is an extremely promising new technology that’s getting a lot of interest from Microsoft’s cloud-native computing teams, both in its Deis Labs subsidiary and in Azure. With new WebAssembly tools arriving rapidly, what’s needed is an environment where you can try them out.

That’s why Deis Labs’ release of its new Hippo WebAssembly platform is so important. Built like many of Deis’ tools to scratch its own itch, it’s a way of quickly installing, managing, and running WebAssembly (WASM) code, whether it’s browser hosted or stand-alone WebAssembly System Interface (WASI). Using its built-in channels in conjunction with a Git server, you can make and deploy different releases in one environment, keeping production, staging, and development builds separate while still only needing one Hippo server.

To read this article in full, please click here

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