GitHub: Dev productivity is back to pre-pandemic levels

Developer productivity is returning to pre-pandemic levels, but the workplace itself is shifting, GitHub has revealed in recent research.In GitHub’s “2021 State of the Octoverse” research, the company observes that pull requests this year were merged fastest at work, almost twice as fast as for open source projects. The research also showed that pull requests at work were merged 25 percent slower than last year.  [ Also on InfoWorld: 6 Git mistakes you will make—and how to fix them ] However, when comparing the previous two years, GitHub sees signs that work rhythm is returning to pre-pandemic levels. GitHub also found that 46 percent of developers who worked collocated with teammates now expect to work fully remotely or in a hybrid environment. Only 11 percent expect to go back to working collocated.To read this article in full, please click here

Nov 30, -0001 - 00:00
GitHub: Dev productivity is back to pre-pandemic levels
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Developer productivity is returning to pre-pandemic levels, but the workplace itself is shifting, GitHub has revealed in recent research.

In GitHub’s “2021 State of the Octoverse” research, the company observes that pull requests this year were merged fastest at work, almost twice as fast as for open source projects. The research also showed that pull requests at work were merged 25 percent slower than last year. 

However, when comparing the previous two years, GitHub sees signs that work rhythm is returning to pre-pandemic levels. GitHub also found that 46 percent of developers who worked collocated with teammates now expect to work fully remotely or in a hybrid environment. Only 11 percent expect to go back to working collocated.

To read this article in full, please click here

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