Easily create interactive ggplot graphs in R with ggiraph
Static visualizations are often enough to tell stories with your data. But sometimes you want to add interactivity, so users can hover over graphs to see underlying data or link their hover over one visualization to highlighting data in another. R has a number of packages for creating interactive graphics including echarts4r, plotly, and highcharter. I like and use all of those. But for easy linking of interactive graphs, it’s hard to beat ggiraph.To read this article in full, please click here
Static visualizations are often enough to tell stories with your data. But sometimes you want to add interactivity, so users can hover over graphs to see underlying data or link their hover over one visualization to highlighting data in another.
R has a number of packages for creating interactive graphics including echarts4r, plotly, and highcharter. I like and use all of those. But for easy linking of interactive graphs, it’s hard to beat ggiraph.