3-Step Guide on How to Develop AR/VR E-Learning Resources

Image: Unsplash.com “If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” – John Dewey Learning is an important aspect of human life. Learning isn’t only achieved through formal education with a diploma and a ceremony. Learning can be seen in everything we do, in how we adapt to the world around […]

Nov 30, -0001 - 00:00
3-Step Guide on How to Develop AR/VR E-Learning Resources
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Image: Unsplash.com

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow.” – John Dewey

Learning is an important aspect of human life. Learning isn’t only achieved through formal education with a diploma and a ceremony. Learning can be seen in everything we do, in how we adapt to the world around us, and in how we carry ourselves.

Every action that involves change is an example of learning, a small change in habits such as taking notes for class or even something as small as walking carefully. These are indicators of learning and show how learning is in our nature.

If learning is commonly associated with change then it would be expected that change can also lead to further learning. This can be seen in what most people today consider as “learning situations”. An example would be exposure to a whole new field of mathematics and being stunned with confusion. It is a new change because there are new numbers, new equations, and thus new learning.

Another change that can lead to further learning is how we teach future generations. Schools have slowly evolved, making use of new practices and evading outdated ones. This includes having students voice out their concerns and suggestions. These are a few of the improvements that schools have undergone over time, in the past ideas like these would seem humorous.

Most of these changes have led to students having a new and improved experience when it comes to schools. Showing that change over time is inevitable and shouldn’t be resisted.

An upcoming change is the introduction of Augmented reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to the educational sector.

What are AR and VR?

Augmented reality shows you an augmented or improved version of the world you see every day. This is commonly achieved through a phone screen or a pair of modern glasses. Augmented reality is all about taking the world you know and adding on to it.

Virtual reality is all about transporting you to a whole new world, one that fits the description of whatever you’re looking for. It can transport you to a virtual depiction of Mars or your average classroom. VR opens up several possibilities with the use of a modern headpiece.

AR and VR are usually discussed together because of how common they seem. Both involve using technology to help you in various aspects of life. For clarification purposes, AR is simply adding on to the world you see while VR can simply transport you to an entirely different world.

Both AR and VR have begun to gain popularity as the limitless possibilities of the virtual world begin to be unpacked. With AR and VR you can get an immersive tour of the Statue of Liberty or have a practice heart surgery. All of these can be accessed with the use of screens, innovation, and a virtual reality headset.

These virtual reality headsets allow you to access the world of Augmented and Virtual reality. They grant you access to the different perks of both worlds. These headsets can come with noise-canceling headphones or remote controllers for your hands. Everything you need to enjoy your immersive experience.

With the numerous uses of AR and VR, one might expect a different headset for each program is required. On the contrary, most programs can be accessed with one virtual reality headset. There are exceptions to this but overall the headsets serve as a personal computer that lets you access millions of programs online.

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These programs can be for work, fitness, and even education.

AR and VR in Terms of Learning

Image: Unsplash.com

After a detailed discussion on the change of learning and how AR/VR works, we can take a look into how they can work together. Although it seems like a far-fetched idea, these two separate worlds; the world of learning and the world of virtual objects, can work hand in hand.

As mentioned, modern programs (AR and VR) present numerous possibilities and some of these belong to the educational sector. With that in mind, here is how you can make your e-learning resources and make sure you get ahead of the virtual learning curve.

Steps to Make Your E-Learning Resources

1. Choose Your Topic

Producing modern learning resources can be done using the same approach with the class production of learning resources. After all, VR may seem like magic but it’s nothing more than a tool for you to use. Firstly, you need to choose what topic your learning resources will teach users.

Deciding on a topic is completely dependent on what you want, whether you want to handle college-level calculus or maybe elementary science. AR and VR can help you achieve both.

2. Think From a Learner’s Perspective

Now you have something that students want to learn. Next up is thinking of the most effective way to help them learn. An example is if you want them to be exposed to multiple practice problems or maybe have an in-depth lecture complete with visual aids.

Just like a teacher from a decade ago you need to picture what could help these students. Don’t think about VR programs just yet and simply focus on what students need. If you have decided on what your ideal approach is then you know what you want.

3. Producing the E-Learning Program

Image: Unsplash.com

Now that you have your groundbreaking idea for the perfect learning resource, you should look around online to see if any programs seem similar. If there are, then you can check out what they have done and see what needs improvement. Having similar programs allows you to learn from the mistakes and successes of other people.

These programs are what the learners will use. You can take this step as the actual execution and production of your e-learning resource. Whether you visioned an electronic book or a virtual guide to teach, this is about bringing the ideas to life.

On the small chance that your e-learning resource has no program like it, then you have your hands on a possible billionaire idea. You can look for a platform that can host your AR and VR dreams.

A VR Authoring tool lets people create their objects, worlds, and entire programs without the requirement of expert knowledge. Authoring tools put together different visual elements to make the immersive VR experience.

An AR program would have a similar approach, many companies can serve as authoring tools and help you turn your idea into a real program that could pioneer learning for future students.

Two of the most discussed companies that provide authoring tool services are Unity and Unreal

Key Takeaways

AR and VR provide an opportunity for people to see different kinds of information in a whole new way. Such an immersive experience can be used for many things such as a learning experience.

These programs can help you make your e-learning resources. These are simply tools that can help other people see what you want them to see. Although the world of VR seems extremely complicated and only for technologically advanced people, this article shows how far a single idea may go.

Even though you don’t have the programming capabilities of a seasoned IT expert, you can still make the perfect learning programs. Authoring tools serve as a crutch and help you produce the actual e-learning resource. If you fear your idea because of how drastic it may seem, simply think about how far-fetched most of today’s norms are in comparison to yesterday’s expectations.


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